Saturday, April 2, 2022

1 Nephi 6

(All of my own thoughts are in blue type. red 4/20 Green 1/2021 Orange 4/22 Brown 2023)
Nephi writes of the things of God—His purpose is to persuade men to come unto the God of Abraham and be saved. Saved from what? It is so important that we gain a realization that this life IS A TIME TO PREPARE FOR THE NEXT.  Yes, "men are that they might have joy"…but not for just now.  Life isn’t over after we die…in fact we “go on” much much longer than we are ever here. The most important thing to accomplish here is to learn to “choose God” again...for we chose Him once already before our earth life...and become like Him so we can be in his presence forever.  And not only that…we must avoid the “pains of hell” which are very real, "how real…we know not".  But there are those who do know; and that knowledge has led them to spend their entire lives trying to help others come to that knowledge. Between 600 and 592 B.C.I am thinking that he calls God "the God of Abraham" because of the covenants God made with Abraham. Those covenants are SO IMPORTANT for us to know, understand and believe. 

  1 And now I, Nephi, do not give the genealogy of my fathers in athis part of my record; neither at any time shall I give it after upon these bplates which I am cwriting; for it is given in the record which has been kept by my dfather; wherefore, I do not write it in this work. I’ve often wondered if everyone in my family should have duplicate copies of the same genealogy…maybe it is just important that their be one record that all have access to…
  2 For it sufficeth me to say that we are descendants of aJosephI think he limits his words to this sentence, not because it's not important, but because if you know they are descendants of Joseph, then you can know a lot. I have pondered recently the importance of who I am descended from. I think about their prayers for their posterity (me) and wonder what blessings I experience solely based on their good lives, or prayers, or faith. My "line" is blessed "above that which is normal" (from my PB) and I must never forget to feel gratitude and humility for these blessings of pure grace in my life. And I should pray for my own posterity so they can be blessed as I have been. 
  3 And it mattereth not to me that I am particular to give a full account of all the
things of my father, for they cannot be written upon
athese plates, for I desire the room that I may write of the things of God. This was Nephi’s passion…to write the things of God! Did his father's writings contain many things that are not "the things of God"? (history, daily journalings...)
  4 For the fulness of mine intent is that I may apersuade men to bcome unto the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, I wonder what the significance of referring to God this way is…(covenants) and be saved. This is Nephi’s passion.  Having seen, and heard, and felt what he did…he has a burning passion to convince us all to “come unto Christ.” We must come to know for ourselves, why we need to Come unto Christ. and desire it with all our might, mind and strength. Look for references that "being saved" is referring to being "born again" as you go through the Book of Mormon.
  5 Wherefore, the things which are apleasing unto the world natural man? I do not write, but the things which are pleasing unto God be prepared for this discrepancy in what appeals to you in your life…and what you may read in this book and unto those who are not of the world. One way to know you are "not of the world" is if you find these writings "pleasing".
  6 Wherefore, I shall give commandment unto my seed, that they shall not occupy these plates with things which are not of worth unto the children of men. Based on his “passion” above…he only wants things that will persuade us to come unto Christ.  Not only did Mormon compile this record from many records, but he had to choose what was of “most” worth of all that was of worth unto us! Surely, “the words of Christ” will tell you all things you should do BECAUSE…the words of Christ fill you with the Spirit, and the Spirit will tell you all things you should do…

1 comment:

  1. I wonder is verse 3 , Nephi's passion to write the things of God. I don't believe that Nephi was all knowing of he would have been a God? So, as Elder Bednar has taught that we learn when we Act! I wonder therefore what it must fill like to have such a thirst for an Increase in Learning. Nephi must have received HUGE amounts of knowledge from the spirit while writing these words. Thank you Nephi!


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